Scrum Master

By Barnaby Golden , 7 November, 2010

Why would you want to spend time and effort to adopt agile?

That's a good question and one that should be asked and answered by your organisation before you attempt an agile transformation. First you need to define what you want to gain (or recognise a problem that you want to overcome). Then you need to agree how you will measure progress to ensure you are actually achieving what you set out to do.

By Barnaby Golden , 7 November, 2010

What is agile? A simple question with a complicated answer.

A good point of reference for agile is the agile manifesto. This consists of four basic premises and twelve more detailed principles.

Agile is an approach to software development that is aimed at minimising the cost of making changes. Think of agility as the capability to make rapid changes of direction, to be flexible and to adapt.