
By Barnaby Golden , 30 June, 2014

Performance testing is often difficult and expensive to do. When you need to get real-World performance figures you need to test on real-World hardware and this is not always possible. Even when it can be achieved it is difficult to do frequently without a dedciated (and hence expensive) performance environment.

By Barnaby Golden , 19 June, 2013

With the basic application in place it is now time to focus on testing. First up we add a Cucumber acceptance test. It is a good idea to keep your acceptance tests separate from your unit tests, so I tend to run them in the integration-test phase of Maven. To do this use the failsafe plugin, adding something like this to your pom:

By Barnaby Golden , 10 August, 2011

I'm a great believer in getting quality in as early as possible in the development cycle. Checks that run automatically in an IDE are best (for example the Checkstyle/PMD plug-ins in Eclipse).

But these have one drawback: they are not enforced.