By Barnaby Golden, 17 June, 2014 Jenkins Plugins Jenkins is an excellent choice for continuous integration as it has numerous plugins available, is well supported and is open source. The following is a list of some of the most useful plugins and how they can be used. GIT Plugin
By Barnaby Golden, 10 June, 2014 Java 8 early adopters A word of caution for anyone switching to Java 8 (which is now officially released by Sun). Issues I have found so far: Eclipse The previous version of Kepler Eclipse runs with Java 8, but it only understands compliance levels up to Java 7.
By Barnaby Golden, 10 August, 2011 Use Maven to fail builds on code quality I'm a great believer in getting quality in as early as possible in the development cycle. Checks that run automatically in an IDE are best (for example the Checkstyle/PMD plug-ins in Eclipse). But these have one drawback: they are not enforced.